ShareFile Client Portal - Forgot Password

If you are having trouble logging into the ShareFile Client Portal (prior to your third failed attempt), you can use the "Forgot Password?" prompt on the sign in page to reset your password directly.

Enter your email address that is connected to the service. If you have multiple email accounts, try the one you use most often.

Check your inbox for an email from ShareFile Support with the reset link to follow.

Follow the "Reset  your password now" link in the email to create your new ShareFIle Client Portal password.

After clicking "Reset Password," you'll see a password reset confirmation. Click "Back to Sign In" to sign in with your new password.

Note: If the email you provided does not match the one on file, you will receive a message indicating there is no account associated with that email address. Please contact us directly if that is the case or try an alternate email address if you use multiple email providers.